International Zine Month (Day 13) Zine Trade Day

Day 13 : Zine Trade Day! Ask someone to trade zines with you.

This has got to be one of my favorite things about making zines. Being able to barter with them to trade for other cool zines that I am interested in. Honestly this is how I deplete my stock more than selling them - and I am quite okay with that! One of my favorite things is to go searching on etsy for new zine listings and see if the seller would be interested in a trade - and if not I usually purchase them if they are super cool. But 9 times out of 10 zinesters are usually interested in a trade.

Here are the two zinesters who agreed to trade with me for Zine Trade Day!

gardening is for eaters: plant zine

by Laura-Marie

by Sarah McNeil

Very excited to receive these two in the mail - obviously you all know my love of gardening and thus I am happy to add these two to my collection! Some people collect gardening books - I collect gardening zines!

Here are my zines heading out into the world!


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