What the crap.
I am pissed @ myself.
Okay I'm not, I'm just disappointed for you guys.
I have been peer-pressuring myself to come up with the final idea for the last part of the zine that I've been working on but it hadn't come to me.
That was until sunday afternoon, after I saw an amazing movie :
The Reader
We stepped into a used bookstore after the film, and I finally got the idea for the last section of the zine I've been working on. Eureka! I haven't really had trouble coming up with ideas before, I think I've just had a lot of things going on in my life recently that I haven't really been able to sit with let soak in and become a part of my life and myself, that I've been getting bogged down by all of the things that have been happening.
I'm hoping that things will slow down a bit in January so that I can really catch up on what has happened to me in the past 5 months and I can get back to some sort of routine with my work/play/relationships, I need it, I'm working on it now, but without some sort of routine I'm just a mess when it comes to getting my creative side out of me.
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Also I made this for dinner tonight :

Orzo topped with black beans/onions/italian-faux-meat/mushrooms and then grated Gruyere cheese on top. Impromptu and yummy.