Things I love.

I've been saving these tidbits of love in my favorites for quite awhile.
Decided I would share some of them with the world.

Jaqueline Knits makes these beauties on Etsy.
I found these randomly searching on there one day and was delighted, because I carry apples with me all the time in my purse just in case I'm a big hungry when I'm out, so i don't randomly spend money on food, and these are just a genius idea for keeping them from bruising, she also makes Pear shaped ones and tea holders, all things that I would purchase and love.

Kiwi Cucumber Cold Process HANDMADE soap.
There is something strange about me, that whenever I see handmade soap something deep within me glees with delight. I'm unsure if it's the fact that I know exactly what's going into it, the fact that the scents always last FOREVER and end up making the entire house smelling incredible for an hour or so after using it, or just the fact that I can personally know the person who handmade these highly indulgent beauty products. They just make me so happy and my love for them is boundless.
Brandli on Etsy makes this Kiwi one but she also has other flavors/scents

A super cute poptart ipod cozy. My ipod gets ABUSED, and it is used nearly every single day at my work, I thought it would be better suited in this lovely case, which is funny to me because I used to make things exactly like this back when I had a crafty bizzness. I found this on etsy but went back and checked it today and realized the girl had closed down her shop, but that DIY had asked her for a tutorial to put on their website of this item and she said yes! So now everyone can make one for free!
Link here!

These amazing lace-up socks handmade by ilusoria on etsy. When I saw these my attention was grabbed, I like the longer version also, but they were too much money for me at the time. But it seems that she is going on a summer vacation and trying to sell all her stock for cheaper than normal, I may have to get on the band-wagon now before it's too late.

These Nightmare Snatcher Journals by Spiderbite on Etsy are perfect for my little kid imagination. Whenever I see it, it makes me think of that old movie with Maculhey Culkin [i just butchered his name i know] where he wears some harry potter like glasses and i think the doctor from back to the future is in it. Either way this big furry book intrigues me, and I would love to take it around town to doodle in it and draw people looking like monsters.

One of these amazing nameplates by Helpless Romantic sporting my 'Jemibook' pride. I found these while reading nubbytwiglet's flickr a few months ago and realized how much I needed one in my life, but like most things $$$ is an issue, one day!

These absolutely decadent gloves from Glovedup. I have no idea what I would wear them with other than some super shear white number with a tutu or something, and my hair up like an ice cream cone but I just love to wear gloves especially long ones they make me feel so glamourous


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