I got there and freaked out a bit

I haven't left the state since I moved back from Illinois over a year ago.
The plane ride was normal nothing crazy, just a bit long and I couldn't sleep on the plane like I had anticipated doing. On the aeroplane the Pilot kept calling it 'The Twin Cities" never ever calling it Minneapolis or Minnesota, I thought that was strange.
So I arrived and as we were leaving the plane they said it was 25degreeees outside, and it was snowing! I was flabbergasted, partially because I was wearing flats and would be freezing and partly because snow on Thanksgiving day I've never seen and it just made it seem even more moviesque.

Javier + Ben Came to pick me up in this crazy-idea of an automobile where Ben drove like a mad man and we listened to of all my loves, tapes in the car and I was shown the major things to see when you drive from the airport to home. Which I hardly remember any of the names but I just remember that there was the idea of a photoshoot at every corner in this town, the details are pretty spectacular.
Arrived @ Home and met the lovliest Liz! and saw my Bryant Boo for the first time in forevers. They were the self-designated cooks of the day and had been doing so for all day.
We played the 'guess that song' game for some time, and Javi played some songs of their own on the guitar as we waited for dinnertime to arrive.
I'm unsure what time we actually ate our Thanksgiving Feast but it was devoured without haste. As you can see the details of the meal in the picture above Liz and Bryant paid extra attention, w/ Heart Cranberry slices and the deviled eggs painstakingly prepared with precision [or so it seemed from my distant view from the living room], I felt as if I were on a television show. I'm used to things being hurried together or already made and then me just arriving and enjoying the meal.
Conversations @ this Thanksgiving table were unlike any I have ever been able to participate in and I loved it. After Dinner watched a few Dvd skits [including Flight of the Conchords] and then I started to pass out and I don't know what everyone else did because I was soo tired by this time I suppose I just blacked-out.
Woke up to this note :

Smiled Profusely and tried to ignore the fact the I had mistakenly woke myself up by leaving my alarm clock from [YESTERDAY!] saved to wake me up today.. I kept hearing this beeping sound and I thought it was like something in their house that would eventually stop..but then it didn't and I woke up and saw it was MY phone.. But I guess it was meant to happen so I could soak in the morning in Minneapolis.
Went to look for a bowl for some cereal and happened upon this sight.

My life up to this point was incomplete and I found the missing piece living in Minneapolis, Liz! I just continue to fall in love with this girl I swear it. Now I just must contemplate how to steal her away from Ben and keep her all to myself. This tea cupboard is just divine, as well as 100% of the other deatails strewn through the house.

Although I don't quite fit in with the decorum of the house, my polka-dotted nighty-pants and extra-large sweater shirt I wear to bed when it's cold don't quite fit in with the lush velvet Furniture and shag-esque white Carpet just begging for a photo-op. They are all things that if I stayed in any one place for longer than a few months or year I would adorn my living space with.
So Day Two! What's in store for today, I really have no idea, But there will have to be some exploring for sure. My impressions of the place so far are pleasant, but i'm still in vacation mode!
Hope you all had a lovely Day yesterday and I'll see you soonish!
Much Love,