Saturday I found myself @ the Library and checked out a few new books :

On this week's line of books we have
How to Discover Your Personal Painting Style : David P. Richards : I'm interested in learning more about defining my own style [obviously] and I thought this book could possibly help steer me in a direction instead of me tripping aimlessly over myself.
Painting Textures in Pen & Ink with Watercolors : Claudia Nice
I'm aware that there are techniques to watercoloring [ my current favorite medium for adding color to my drawings] but I have yet to procure the knowledge of them, Hoping this book will give me a bit on insight, and checking on Amazon a lot of people have found it helpful.
The Little Prince : Antoine de Saint Exupery
Now this book I've never read, and it was given to me last night [Saturday] from my friend Sean who declared it either [a] one of his favorite books of all time or [b] his favorite book ever. Either way any statement of those proportions you must read the book. I had seen it before from my best friend's Obession with it when she was traveling she even bought it from each Country she visited this past summer.

Also, as I've said multiple times I moved a week ago, and sadly the place was occupied by a smoker before moi so all of my things have been doused in the repugnant fragrance. This weekend I decided to put my efforts forth to put a stop to it.
I bought Febreeze for the Carpets / Pinesol to hand-wash the wood paneling / Candles to hopefully spread a new scent around, and I even handmade some satchels to put in my clothing drawers and closets.

They are super easy to make.
Supplies : Bagged Potpourri [1/2 yard of Light Fabric] String
Tools : Scissors
[1] Cut the Fabric into Large Squares
[2] Cut the String at least 12inches more is always better
[3] Pour a decent amount of Potpourri into the middle of the Fabric
[4] Pull the Fabric Together into the middle and twist a bit
[5] Use the String to Tie it closed, you can do it in a bow or all around it.
Tada! you have instant Satchels for less than $5 depending on the quality of your Supplies. I threw them in my clothings drawers but you could put them in your shoes, or under your car seats, maybe in your big warm jacket to walk around with a nice autumn smell.
Well I hope you all had a lovely week/weekend and I can't wait to see you all on Monday for Make Music Monday.
Much Love,