Make Music Monday

This was a LONG weekend for me, I ended up moving on a whim this past Friday thru Sunday. I finished Sunday and I managed to have some time to work on this weeks song, luckily.
It was in part inspired by all of this moving.
[1] Because I moved from a 2 bedroom townhouse with a roommate to a Studio by myself.
This is my first time living completely on my own and I have to admit that I'm a bit anxious about handling all my finances completely on my own.
[2] It's a new step in my life, I'm hoping that living on my own will help me be more focused on my creative endeavors and learning more about myself and life in general. I will definitely be reading more because I am without [internet] and [television] at my new residence, so that's good for me but not so good for having guests over.

This song is basically a projection of how I hope to see my musical career going. With a bit of humor added to it, for good measure.

Also in other music News.. my friend who goes by Nubenegra online made an amazing appreciation video for me for sending him a cd with some of my songs on it.

He's learning to play the ukulele and found me on myspace/youtube and he's a great artist he's made all the vector-art that you'll find on my myspace pages.

It's an incredibly windy day today here in Florida I feel like I'm back in Illinois.

And on that note, I will bid you adieu.

Much Love,


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