I started Jemibook in 2006 when I decided to start making music by myself, it originally was just electronic music via GarageBand and my Keyboard, but I decided soon after to take up the Ukulele and invest my time in properly learning how to play it on my own, since I couldn't afford lessons.
The first song I attempted playing was "Lean on Me" which was a fairly simple song and it had a very basic strum. I also played with a felt pick when I first started playing exclusively, which most Uke players don't use. I've progressed mostly from playing songs that I know and learning new chords with each new song. Sometimes I thought I would never be able to hold my fingers in the positions, or handle the strumming patterns, but in the year that I've been practicing I think I've come pretty far.
My songs as of lately are a lot more complex than my 4 chord progression that I played in my early songs, and I've even learned new strumming patterns. I still have LOADS to learn, and I'd love to take some actual lessons from someone who's played the Ukulele before, it should be in the cards for my future.
But as for now I keep doing my trial and error, I make songs, sometimes just to make songs, but mostly I make them from whatever is inspiring me, bothering me, overcoming me, at the time. And yes a lot of my songs are downers but I don't really take them as that when I'm writing them, I've always been into slow songs rather than upbeat songs my entire life, so it just seems fitting for me.
NOW!!! as for Make Music Monday. The Concept is basically this....Make Music!
For me my goal is to either [a] make a new song or [b] learn a new chord from a song that I like.
If you'd like to participate [which I strongly welcome], and you are a musician you could use today to start a new song and finish it by next Monday, or try something more complex that you don't know how to do on your instrument.
If you aren't a musician I'd suggest trying to find some new music, it's always a delight to find some new music via the internet.
My favorite sites to find new music are:
[cdnow.com] The best way to go about this is to Search for an artist you really love and then check out the [ people who bought this also bought these things] it's a great way to find something similar that could also be completely new and innovative.
This other one I just discovered via my roommate- who is constantly finding great new music.
[http://hypem.com/] The Hype machine follows music blog discussion. Every day, hundreds of people around the world write about music they love. Then it all ends up on their website, you can listen to the most popular songs on blogs via their media player or go to the direct pages and read up on why they are blogging this artist, most of the stuff is not mainstream, unless it's a strange remix of a song.
Sooo... what did I end up doing for Make Music Monday [ other than work feverishly at my two day jobs..] I finally was inspired to come up with the lyrics for Little Asian Girl Part 1. This song is the prequel of Little Asian Girl Part 2 which I did last year I believe and I had been meaning to make the first part but couldn't come up with a different enough version or proper lyrics. It finally came together today after I saw my beloved Little Asian Girl this past weekend. I suppose it was the proper inspiration that I needed to finish the words off right in my head.
Either way I'm excited about it.
Check it out Below
Let me know what you think
Also if you have some great music you think I'd be into, please don't hesitate to recommend it to moi!
Hope you all had a fabulous Make Music Monday and I'll see you soon!
Much Love,