Make Music Monday [ Rainy Day edition]

So it's October in Florida, and our form of snow is rain.
Thus it's been raining all day.
Quite lovely if you are inside, but having to be outside in it is another story.

For a change of pace this Monday I was taken out to pizza.

It was an incredibly decadent Artichoke and smoked-bacon pizza, loaded with plenty of other goodies and a million calories but who's counting.

This actually has no real relation to this week's song.
But I needed a bit of a distraction from my moodiness of today.

This week's song was started early Saturday morning after listening to a bunch of Beatles songs. It's about how I evaluate situations/people, I start out with picking out the negative things I'm frustrated with, but in the end I ponder [hum or sing] over things and realize that it couldn't ever out-weigh the positive things that make me be a part of the situation/relationship in the first place.

I'm a naturally optimistic person, I almost always see the silver-lining in situations. I think that it has made me a much happier person when I am alone.
Which is a bit strange to me only because I hung out with all the gothic kids when I was growing up. But I think the only association we took on together was my constant need to visually represent myself, and I never felt like an outcast for doing so when i was with them.

In other news, I picked up a fancy set of Micron's at Hobby Lobby today, I'm super gleeful and anticipating using them.

Well I hope you enjoyed this weeks song, until next time!

Much Love,


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