The time in the beginning is so utterly blissful.
Spending time together doing just about anything just makes your heart expand 10 fold.
You know you shouldn't over do the time you spend together, but you can't help but not let go of their hand when it's way past time to leave.
Daydreaming about them at work.
Checking your voicemail/texting them / writing a letter.
The High school days consisted of writing their name a million times or your name with their last name..
Figuring out their cute quirks or their sayings. How they make a mess of the bed when they sleep. How your bodies just seem to fold perfectly together when you are cuddling.
The time when whatever happened in your past seems to fade away and you start believing that love does exist, again.
Childish-foolish-lovesick days of the rush of a new relationship.
Well that's what this weeks 'Make Music Monday' song is about.
It's called ' New Beginnings ' you can check it out below.
Lately love has been in the air even more for me, it may just be that Autumn is on the brink and that's always the time in my life when I've had my most torrid love affairs, or maybe it's just the idea of bundling up close together with someone in the winter-time that makes Love and Autumn go together so quaintly.
Either way, I can't wait for Autumn to start and for me to have my love affair with mother-nature once again.
Much Love,