International Zine Month (Day 18) Order from a Different Distro

Day 18 : Order from a different zine distro than normal.

I had a hard time finding a distro that carried zines I was interested in - Also I wish more distro's cataloged the zines by topic instead of by the title. I usually just search by a topic I'm interested in learning about - unless someone has recommend a specific zine to me and it sounds interesting.

I ended up ordering from Last Word Press :

About Last Word Press:

Last Word Press is located in Olympia, WA in the catacombs of Last Word Books. Last Word is more than a bookstore, more than the four walls that contain it. Those nattering naboobs of negativity have long declared the death of the printed word, but we refuse to let that happen. Using an antique letterpress, offset presses and digital copiers we are slowly cobbling together the foundations of a publishing empire. 

More than ever we believe in the need to invest in the traditions and habits of the printed word, to give voice to the lives and livelihood of a life that cannot be captured in pixels alone, a life that is more than the sum of its reading. With each our own story to tell we must capture that illusive spirit that lives between the lines and after the closing of the book of our days, where we all live past dreams and remembrances of things past.

I ordered this zine : A Rough Guide to Bicycle Maintenance by an anonymous writer. 

I have been wanting to learn more about how to fix up my bike just incase something happens while I'm out on the road - because as it stands I am absolutely clueless on any bicycle maintenance. I hope that this will shed some light on the mystery for me!


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