Saturday is for . . .

Mixed Tapes 
[cd's - but you know I would do it right if I had the correct tools]

I made this mix earlier this week for a special someone and wanted to also have the opportunity to share this summer mix with all of you my lovely blog readers!

Most all of these songs are songs that have just recently come to remind me of Summer, but I have never had them all compiled together. Also I have been begging to put Frank Ocean's - American Wedding on a mix ever since I first heard it and became obsessed - so heart breaking honest, but reminds me of young summer first loves.

You can download the mix here!

Let me know what you think!

On a side note : I officially move next week - and will be without internet for probably a few weeks until we get it set up at the new place, and am currently in search for a huge boom-box [circa: 1980s] for Shit Yeah Girl! if anyone knows where we might procure one.


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