So for the good part of the last month, I have been working on two special people's birthday presents. It's hard to make presents for people when they live with you, I was telling them to go away and not peek into my room tons.
So here they are after millions of hours of work!
My room-mate Benjamin hand-made the frames for them, I knew I wouldn't be able to find small enough frames that I liked, and it was a nice collaborative birthday present by us.
I picked up this hobby just for their birthday presents, and I found it to be really relaxing and not tedious at all, I have plans to do a MJ one next for what Javier told me is his birthday in August.
I have a few other things I need to update upon. especially posting information on the newest zines I made for the zinefest, you can look for that stuff this coming week, and of course M.M.M!
Much Love,