back in the day dedicated to writing letters to people whom were interested in the Fruits Book or just the Japanese styles in the book. I had a few penpals in the states, two in Japan, and one that I held on for a long while in Germany. It was lovely receiving gifts and letters from far-away, and I would never know when I would receive it so it was always a way to brighten my day.

I fell out of my penpals touch when I ended up moving 4 or 5 times between 2005-Present but I've continued to write a few of my friends and family on whim.
I've compiled all my stationary and supplies into a small shoebox and put it in my living room so whenever I may feel compelled to write I can do so at a whim.

Lately I've been sending a letter a week to my lover who lives in the same city as me. Sometimes I just write silly little things, other times I fill it with thank you's for all the lovely things he does for me, sometimes a letter can be as intimate as a whisper between sheets. Plus I love putting together something hand-made or hand-written for someone else it makes me glee to think of them receiving it.

I also send packages and mixed-cd's of things i'm listening to or making currently to my musical friends. I'm hoping to send some baked goods in the near future when I'm making a bit more money to spend.
I like the idea of getting the address of everyone you know and just randomly picking someone to send a letter or package to once a week, it's a great feeling to know you will be potentially making someone who is having a crappy day have a bit of happiness.
On another blog I read Icing, Gala posted about this topic recently so it was funny that I read it and that I had just sent out a handmade letter earlier in the day. She had some good links for stationary, but I've mostly used Ebay for my Stationary headquarters since 2003, there are some great sellers who have a constant of the cutest stationary at great prices, and I'm a thrift-whore so i'm always looking for the best deal when it comes to products.
Check these out :
Kawaii Stickers and Stationery

Hope you are all heavily influenced to go out and write a letter now, I know I am!
Much Love,