". . . .So ... dear readers in zineland ... please do not send me zines like Kiss and Tell Volume 2 for review - you're wasting postage. One of the last things I want to spend my time reading or writing about is a poorly written, narcissistic expose of someone's so-called sexual adventures, or lack thereof."
I have to say that ever since I started Kiss & Tell and my other blog Goldicocks (which is a blog based off of my sexual experiences) I've never had anyone with this view. I would like to say that it's because of the people who find it are generally interested in it. But I generally write the stories very tongue-in-cheek or at least with obvious humor intended for the reader.
I could go on further with my rebuttal of this review but honestly I think DJ Fredrick is probably right - I didn't know his reviewing style or what he was interested in before sending him my zine for review - I kind of just blindly sent it to him because on his website it said he reviewed zines?