Etsy Favorites!

[I had an absolute heart-attack when I discovered this dress. It is so perfect in so many ways. If I could I would wear this for my birthday everyday!]


[Why yes I would like to fall asleep in a panda night-gown every night.]

[Bjork and me biking up the williamsburg bridge in the summer, that is what I think when I see this top]

[Watermelon with pink peppercorns. This sounds like a delicious treat]

[I think I am going to have to get one of these to put up above my bed soon.]

[I love the idea of giving this to someone, maybe leave it bobbing in the sink for a lover to find.]

[These glasses are kind of a dream come true for me.]

[Can you find the running theme in this week's Etsy Favorities, anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed!]

[Although I haven't worn a helmet since I was 5 years old, Hailey reminded me on tumblr how dumb that is, especially since I am biking in a major city with a lot of assholes. I went on a search for cute/attractive looking helmets without much luck, but I did find some tutorials on painting them, which would be a good alternative!]


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