My Week in Video.

I felt off for most of this week so that put a damper on things, but by Saturday I was back to normal again. Sent out my Valentine's Day cards to my fabulous readers, started writing the stories for 'Kiss & Tell' volume 2 and realized that I am actually going to type everything out for the first time for any of my zines, some of the stories are too long. Got an oil change for ole red and baked three types of vegan strawberry cupcakes in anticipation of Valentine's Day. Re-watched 'The Last Song' [I know I am terrible but that song just got under my skin] and watched 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' and completely fell in love with all of the outfits and Marilyn's adorable voice [I had never seen any of her films before]. Went to a 90's sing-a-long @ Legion that was SO much fun, can't wait for the next one. Had home-made borscht [my absolute favorite food of life] and picked up 'Cosmic Coupling' from Barnes & Noble. Got the root taken out of one of my teeth and replaced with cement [it feels strange]. Had bubble tea for the first time in probably a year [I used to drink it religiously and be completely obsessed when I lived in Orlando some 5+ years ago now]. While walking around in a bookstore in Cobble Hill I got interviewed by 'The Daily News' for fashion week. [I was in day-old clothes and had no make-up on either, I always feel so weird talking about my style, I am pretty sure I described my look as 'vintage-school girl' shoot me now!]. Had brunch for the first time in New York [brunch is a big deal in new york] and got pretty pink heart shaped sugar cookies!

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What did you guys get into this week?


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