As I've said before I love getting mail, and getting Magazine's in the mail is amazing for it's the mail quality and the fact that it is brimming with your choice of inspiration and own happiness, mostly because you chose the subscription so it must be something you love to see/read.
Here are some of my favorite Magazines.

"ReadyMade is a bimonthly print magazine for people who like to make stuff, who see the flicker of invention in everyday objects — the perfectly round yolk in the mundane egg.

"W is a monthly American fashion magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Considered one of the most fashionable monthly publications, W is filled with ads for high fashion houses and rivals Vogue and Vanity Fair for sophistication and style."

"Spin is a music magazine that reports on "Music for Life". Founded in 1985 by publisher Bob Guccione, Jr., it is the main competitor to industry stalwart Rolling Stone. Madonna was the artist on the cover of the first issue."

Real Magazine
"Magazine about simplifying your life. Includes home solutions, meals, special features."

"Nylon is an American magazine which focuses on pop culture and fashion. Its coverage includes art, beauty, music, design, celebrities, technology and travel."

Giant Robot
"Giant Robot is a bi-monthly magazine of Asian and Asian American popular culture. It was initially created as a small, punk-minded magazine that featured Asian pop culture and Asian American alternative culture, including such varied subject matter as history, art, music, film, books, toys, technology, food, and skateboarding. The publication grew from its original format—a small, photocopied zine, folded and stapled by hand—to its current full-color format. Giant Robot was one of the earliest American publications to feature prominent Asian film stars such as Chow Yun-Fat and Jackie Chan, as well as Asian musicians from indie and punk rock bands. The magazine is also popular for its exclusive t-shirts and odd toys."

"Vogue is most famous as a presenter of images of high fashion and high society, but it also publishes writings on art, culture, politics, and ideas."

"Domino magazine is the guide to living with style for young, busy, fashion-conscious women. With a focus on home decorating, domino acts as design consultant, personal shopper and friend, offering inspiration, information and innovative ideas. Perfect for both renters and home-owners, each issue is packed with tips, shopping information and easy DIY tricks to help readers create the home and lifestyle of their dreams, on any budget."

"BUST is a groundbreaking women's lifestyle magazine that connects with bright, cutting-edge young women. Fierce, funny, and proud to be female, its revolutionary editorial mix addresses a variety of women's interests, including pop culture, crafting, fashion, sex, news and celebrity interviews."